Caregiving, Divorce and COVID-19

The Mental Well-Being Effects of a Multi-Traumatic Experience

As my mother’s caregiver for the last 5 years, I am all too familiar with the term “isolation”. As caregivers move through the care-process, they quickly become isolated from friends, family, colleagues and community organizations.  There is a lack of caregiver champions and financial resources in the local community, which places a toll on one’s finances, physical health and mental wellbeing.  According to the Family Caregiver Alliance, 40% to 70% of all caregivers have clinically significant symptoms and caregivers who work full-time show the greatest emotional and physical health deficit in comparison to non-caregivers. 

I recently was explaining this initial impact to a new caregiver as “losing yourself”, “servant to a disease” and “hole of despair”.  I have found that the caregiver role is not explainable but rather felt through the experience.  I was determined to fight for myself, my physical health, my mental well-being and my financial stability.  This description of my caregiver experience was prior to my filing for divorce in January 2020 and later the impact of an historic pandemic, COVID-19.  From January 2020 to the present, I have been confronted with a multi-traumatic event that was going to test my own words of encouragement, and acts of resilience.  

How do you keep your chin up, your head high, your heart filled with hope and your mind focused on being an overcomer in a space of isolation?  How do you look at your loved one each day, who is fighting an incurable disease and tell her, “we are going to make it.”?  What do you tell yourself when you are notified the courts have shut down due to an uncontrolled virus and your divorce is delayed?  How do you look at your bank account, knowing you have to pay your expenses, your loved one’s expenses when a pandemic has shut down the opportunities to earn extra money?  What do you lean on when you realize the system has let you down again, as a caregiver, because your loved one isn’t receiving a stimulus check due to their tax filing status?  Well, you decide to get up and lead the way, or shut up and swallow your words.  

Mental Well-being in the face of simultaneous traumas can look very different to many people.  It can go through a fiery process with multi-faceted approaches.  According to Kaiser Family Foundation, 53% reported negative mental health effects resulting in worrying or stress related to coronavirus.  People are having trouble with their sleeping and eating habits, have increased alcohol and substance use and an increase in preexisting chronic illnesses.   Coupling this data with caregiver and divorce data, your looking at a dire situation for many across this nation.   Much of our mental well-being is tired to human-connectedness.  We need our healthy outlets and positive support mechanisms to be able to cope with life’s daily stressors.  Removing those outlets can negatively impacts one’s mental status and ability to depend on those external supports when needed.  So, what did I pull-on when everything around me was removed, restricted or eliminated? To answer that, lets look at the definition or meaning behind mental health or well-being.  

According to the World Health Organization, a persons state of well-being is when the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully and is able to make a contribution to his or her community.  Mental well-being can be tired to the socio-cultural context of the individual.  This means, that the individuals external experience is tied to the wellness of the individual.  Therefore, the caregiver stressors, economic opportunities and resources, local community support and the effect of a pandemic are all tied to one’s mental well-being.  

My personal wellbeing has always been associated with my connectedness with others, whether that be at the gym, at work, with friends, or local community groups.  When I was notified by my fitness centers that we had closed due to the pandemic and I would not be teaching my spin classes, I was devastated.  Spin class had been my coping mechanism for years.  The energy, the music, the people all fueled my inner being and provided a sense of stress-relief to the chaos of caregiving and now an impending divorce.   In addition, I needed that financial support to care for my mother with Alzheimer’s and pay for the divorce.  I was now digging deep into my reservoirs of strength, hoping that I had an ounce left of resilience to pull upon to navigate the many barriers placed in front of me.   

What did I rely on? Who did I reach out to and what were those supports that emerged?  Did I have moments of weakness, overwhelming heart-felt pain that led to rivers of tears? Yes, yes I did?  If we do not acknowledge the cycles of loss, trauma and pain, then we never move to a place of healing.  I would get to myself and cry it out, reach out to a few friends to vent and journal the loss I was experiencing, the loss of my mother to an incurable disease, the loss of my husband and the loss of finances, the loss of my community supports and the abandonment of a system that forgets what caregivers endure.  

I began tapping into influences of hope on social media.  I carefully monitored the narrative being conveyed into my life.  If the words did not include the prospects of overcoming, encouragement and hope, I did not allow it into my world.  Our mindset is everything.  What we hear and tell ourselves is who we can become. We consciously and unconsciously allow others to shape our world, if we let it.  I was choosing a means to a positive end.  I wanted to survive, to thrive, beyond what was immediately in front of me.  

I aligned myself with like-minded individuals, began spending time in nature and reached to those supports to assist me in caring for my mom.   I buried pride and asked for help.  It was the only way I could see my way though such a perilous time.  While the country was at war with itself, politically, I was finding peace and unity in my local community that reached across socio-economic status, race, ethnicity and gender.  I gave myself permission to be weak, to feel and to be vulnerable.  The key to thriving is to allow oneself to move through the emotions of pain, trauma and loss.  If we bury the feeling, it will emerge in another moment or in another way.  This was a huge turning point for me and a “must” in order to thrive and promote a positive mental well-being.  What I am describing is individual community resilience.  While a pandemic shut our day-to-day coping mechanisms down, individual determination found those mechanisms to thrive.  My mechanisms included faith, expression of pain, self-determination, permission to be vulnerable, display of hope by the humanity, nature, writing, and willingness to bend at each unexpected turn in the road. 

Mental wellbeing in the face of extreme adversity is not only dependent on the external resources, supports and opportunities, but also on the individual response to that adversity.  What have we learned about humanity due this historical pandemic?  What I am encouraged to see is that kindness still exists, communities can still thrive and love still endures.  However, what are the continued challenges and needs for change?  One, is that when it comes to caregiving, there is still a lack of understanding on the holistic toll on the caregiver.  It is financial, physical and emotional.  Coupling caregiving with any other traumatic event in life can immensely impact that caregivers personal wellbeing and the well-being of the love one.  

What are some considerations for the future? Firstly, Legislation needs to be inclusive and comprehensive, that reflects the current systemic challenges of caregiving and provides realistic and simple solutions.  The Stimulus Relief Bill (CARES ACT), limited the parameters of “dependents” which eliminated financial support for adult loved-ones, such as parents, grandparents and other adults who need care.  My mother was one of them and fell into the gap of available financial resources.  This tells me that those writing, reviewing and editing the bills continue to be unfamiliar with the scenarios and burdens of caregivers.  

Secondly, opportunities for home-based employment needs to be more expansive to include those who lost their jobs due to the pandemic and caregivers who need to be in their home to care for their loved-ones.  Employers should be encouraged to provide alternative work schedules moving forward as a standard business practice that would be inclusive of the caregiver role.  

Thirdly, when offering financial support through the Federal, State and local governments, all parameters and scenarios that caregivers face should be considered.  Include caregivers as reviewers of sections of the bills through work groups and/or committees.  Support for free telehealth, including mental health should be offered to caregivers, especially during an historic pandemic.  Stimulus relief should include reimbursement to mental health providers offering free counseling and psychological assessments to caregivers, along with case management and referrals/linkages to resources. 

As a final thought, I am ending this piece with my divorce finalized, my gyms back open, and my supports broadened.  It has been a ten-month battle and I am still a caregiver and full-time career woman who has navigated another tremendous storm.  I am learning more about myself, my community and our nation as we unpack the impacts of COVID-19.  The mental wellbeing of our people lies in the hands of our legislatures, our local governments, our community organizations as well as our own individual coping mechanisms.  I have spent a life-time of learning new ways to manage adversity and have an arsenal of tools but continue to grow in areas I’ve never imagined.  How can we, as a society, equip our citizens with those tools proactively, rather than in a reactive state of emergency?  What needs to be done now for all individuals in order to thrive through adversity and not succumb to maladaptive behaviors?  The time is now to assess the impact and develop a plan for change.  

Anne Frank so pointily stated, “How wonderful it is that nobody waits a single moment before starting to improve the world.”   There needs to be no waiting period, no deductible filled in order to make the change for the better good of our humanity. 

Road-Map Slam-Dunk

“If you don’t know where you are going, you’ll end up some place else.” – Y. Berra

Many times in life I have been derailed from my goals or dreams due to unexpected events, family emergencies, failed relationships, and so on.  However,  what has never left me is the drive, the motivation and the perseverance to obtain a vision that resides within me.

I currently work three jobs in addition to caring for my mother with Alzheimers.  As I get older, I am becoming more intentional in my decision making and planning.  I know what I want and have become more diligent with the level of effort I am putting forth to enhance my lifestyle, manage life’s stressors and press towards my goals and dreams.  It does not matter how much you have going on in life, there are choices and you do have control over what comes in and out of your life.

Below are a couple strategies I have introduced into my life in order to chart out my Road Map to Success:

A.  Develop an Interactive Online Vision Board.  I use Dream it Alive.  This site will assist you in navigating short term goals in every area of your life, from career, leisure, relationships, spirituality, physical health, etc.  You can order a tangible copy of your vision board once completed.  I place mine on my bedroom mirror to keep me focused on my future.  Revisit your vision board every couple months and when your goals are complete, develop new ones. Keep it going, keep it alive!

B. Plan It! I have three separate calendars I complete each month that charts out my work schedule, my workout/health coaching schedule and my mom’s ongoing medical and caregiver schedule.  I manage those three separate calendars, making sure I keep balance and ensure I am prioritizing my personal health and wellness.  I revisit the calendars at the beginning of each week and make small adjustments as needed, without sacrificing my own needs.  (note: do not feel guilty in saying no or enacting boundaries)

C. Look for Opportunities of Growth! We will never know it all in life.  We always should seek to develop, enhance or strengthen a skill in order to achieve all our goals.  I am continuously looking for trainings, certifications, or skill-building events that align with my vision.  We are evolving creatures who need to expand our abilities in order to strengthen humanity.  Existing in your current state will not only make you unhappy and unfulfilled, but also will not benefit society as a whole.

D. Give Back! Did you know that when you decide to give back to someone, to a community or organization, you actually grow?  Try it, if you don’t believe me.  When you share your gifts with another, you actually are strengthening  your own abilities and enhance your existing skills.  Those whom you serve will have “asks”  of you that cause you to rise-up and show-up.  When you show-up, you validate who you are and what you stand for.

E. Enlarge your Community! Where would we be if we only knew one group of people?  One of the most rewarding and beneficial things I have done in my life is to travel the world.  I have taken the 4-hour climb up Mt. Sanai, Egypt at 3am in the morning.  I have back-backed the desolate roads in Sighisoara, Romania and volunteered in the largest slums and refugee camps in Kenya, Africa.  I’ve visited over 20 countries and have been to almost all 50 US States and 13 US territories. Through the experience and emersion of different cultures, I have learned more about myself, the world and humanity.  My vision has become larger and my purpose is more directional.  Travel in or out of your country, or even just your current community.  Learn from others and expand your knowledge of other cultures.

When all else seems not to be available to you, have faith, dream it, write it, plan, and watch what you thought was impossible become possible. You have only one chance at this life. Live it on purpose!



Pain Recycled, A Wellness Approach

Recycling is the process of collecting and processing materials the would otherwise be thrown away as trash and turning them into new products.  When we think of the term or the action of recycling, we usually are thinking of plastic bottles, metal objects, cardboard materials and so on.  However, in light of May being Mental Health Awareness Month, I would like to focus this blog post on how we recycle our personal experiences and heart-felt pain.

Our health and wellness journey cannot exclude our mental health.  Our mental health impacts our physical, emotional and spiritual well-being and vice versa. It is tightly interwoven into all aspects of our life.  Mental health is one of our greatest assets and supports our ability to overcome challenges and obstacles.  It impacts our relationships, our abilities to function in the workplace, individual life goals, finances, and much more.  If we do not address our mental health as part of well-being, our desire for healing and being whole will never come to fruition.

Everyone single human being walking this earth has experienced stress.  The stress can differ among us and will sit on a sliding scale of intensity in different points in your life. That stress can lead to avenues of great pain and mental anguish.  If we do not address that pain in our lives, over time, we end up recycling it into our future experiences.  Those recycled feelings and experiences if not processed in a healthy, productive way, will strengthen the vicious cycle of unresolved pain.

Therefore, the question is, what are the proper materials needed to recycle our pain so that it can be used for a new purpose in life and not just left-over trash that can clutter our potential?  Lets look at some material needed to translate the experience in a productive way.

1. Identify It! Become self-aware. Notice your reactions, emotions and mental thoughts that occur in a situation.  Where are they coming from and are they congruent with the experience?  Alot of our responses to a situation, a person or event are exacerbated by previous experiences.  It is a build-up of old trash that never was taken out, let alone recycled.

2. Slow Your Roll!  Before making a final decision or display an extreme reaction; feel that pain, sit with it, and give yourself time.  Be gentle on yourself and others.  We are wrapped in emotions and thoughts that can be projected onto others, intensifying the current experience.  Spend time with yourself, sort out those emotions, clean up your thoughts and place it into its proper context.

3.  Practice a Wellness Approach! Whatever relieves stress in your life that is not harmful to you, do it!  Go for a bike ride, practice yoga, meditate, confide in a friend, or try something new.  Remember, an “approach” is different than a one time “occurrence”.  An approach is something you can regularly incorporate into your life that can assist you in recycling that painful expereince.

4. Turn Your Pain into Purpose! One of the biggest influence on my healing in life has been giving back to our world.  What I realized early on was that my experience is not exclusive to me.  I am not alone and am walking this earth with many hurt human beings.  When I began to take my message to the streets, I realized that there were others who could benefit from what I was learning.  If you want to recycle your pain into a product that has a new, fresh and fruitful use, help someone else.  You will quickly find that your pain becomes the catalyst for your purpose.  

Lets make a deliberate effort to address our mental health in our wellness plan for our lives.  Make your pain, your emotions and your thoughts a priority, so that all other areas of your life can evolve.  Remember, there is truth in your pain. Do not be ashamed of it, but instead, recycle it for a new use in order to support the growth in yourself and others.  Our world, your community and you are depending on that process.

“One small crack does not mean that you are broken, it means you were put to the test and you didn’t fall apart.”  -L. Poindexter

